Classroom Rules and Procedures


Classroom Rules and Procedures

English ###

Mrs. Call


1. Respect the teacher and classmates. This includes abstaining from the following: swearing, teasing, name calling, etc.

2. Follow directions.

3. Be in the classroom when the bell rings. Any student who is tardy must have a pass from the office or signed by another teacher. Without such a pass, the student will have points deducted from his or her grade according to the following proportions:

            1st tardy………………………0 points

            2nd tardy……………………...1 point

            3rd tardy…………………........4 points

            4th tardy………………………10 points and discussion with parent

*After the fourth tardy, the student will lose credit, in congruence with district rules.

4. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum in the classroom. 

5. Electronic devices such as cellphones, iPods, iPads, etc. must be turned off during class, or they will be confiscated. If the teacher requests that you put your device in the basket in the back of the class, turn off your device COMPLETELY, put it in the basket, and pick it up after class.

6. Be honest. Cheating is never acceptable. We will go over plagiarism with the introduction of your essay assignments.

7. Follow all school dress and behavior standards.


Failure to follow the rules listed above will result in the following consequences:

1st offence—Warning

2nd offence—Stay after class to discuss behavior with the teacher

3rd offence—Parent Notification

4th offence—Detention

5th offence- Referral to the office

*This procedure may be altered according to the severity of the offence.


When entering the classroom:

  1. Bring all required materials and supplies to class each day. If you, for some reason, cannot find a pencil or sheet of paper for the day’s assignment, quietly walk to the back of the room and gather the needed material from the cup or basket on top of the file cabinets. Asking the teacher for these readily available materials will result in a preparation point deduction.
  2. Sit in your assigned seat, quietly prepare materials for the class, and be ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
  3. At the beginning of the week, look at the calendar whiteboard (back of the room) and copy the homework assignments down during the first three minutes of class or before the tardy bell rings.

During class:

  1. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking.
  2. Begin all class work with a heading. (This includes your name, class period, and the date.)
  3. Participate in all in-class assignments; you will be graded for your participation and for the quality of your work.
  4. Keep your notes in a separate spiral book or binder section and set them up as demonstrated in class. (These will be checked randomly.)

At the end of the period:

  1. Do not begin packing up until told to do so.
  2. Wait to be dismissed by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss you.

Tests, Projects, and Homework:

  1. Study for your exams (use your class notes, hand-outs, and books). A full period review will be given before every test, if possible. There will be two tests per semester and up to ten unannounced reading quizzes. There will also be a final essay due at the end of each semester. These essays will replace your final exams. (You will receive the rubrics for both of these essays at the beginning of the semester so that you can start working on them early, which is highly encouraged.)
  2. Start working on projects early. You will not be able to finish some of the requirements in one night. Project rubrics will be handed to you at the beginning of each unit, and you are therefore expected to pace yourself in completing the tasks throughout this time. You will notice that the requirements listed in the rubric and description paper do not tell you exactly what to create; this is left up to you. You may choose to make a poster, create a PowerPoint, write a paper, author a play, film a video, etc.; however, your project must meet the established requirements in order to receive a passing grade.
  3. Late homework assignments (including projects) will NOT be accepted. Absentees will be given additional time to hand in any missed homework. If you are absent, bring a note from an adult stating why you were out.


You will be graded in the following weighted categories each semester:





Reading Quizzes………………………………………....10%
